Italian Partner


Cosvitec- description      FUTURE IS YOUR MIND

Italian Publications

Cosvitec University and Enterprise is a “societàconsortile a responsabilitàlimitata”; it was born as a Consortium in 2001, through the evolution of the Territorial Interest Group (GIT) Agrimed, promoted and made up in collaboration with MIUR and University of Naples “Federico II”.

 The University participates to the Socrates/Erasmus exchange programme and has signed five hundred and six agreements with more than three hundred universities and colleges throughout Europe. These agreements have so far, allowed nearly 3,500 students to attend courses abroad. These courses were mainly in Engineering and Technology, Language and Philological Science as well as Medicine. At the same time the Federico II University has received approximately 1,600 foreign students from all over the world.

Our collaboration with University, Research Centers, High-Tech Companies and SMEs has the specific aim to offer technological transfer services to sustain innovation, but also to develop and manage Researching High Education projects at national and international level.

Cosvitec is improving the quality of life by promoting technology transfer and scientific cooperation.


Over the years, COSVITEC has helped to enhance its presence
in the area, creating a Network of Associations of Employers,
public bodies, companies and schools, serving as a reference
point for universities, business, governments, students
and professionals. The consortium operates successfully
in the following areas:

• Higher Education and Master             
• Scientific and technological            
• Technology consulting and management           
• International cooperation for the transfer of science and technology          
• Chemical-physical and microbiological

Cosvitec is involved in the Regional Project “PAS”- funded by European Commission.

The specific aim of this project is to organize vocational training courses for dropout young students in order to increase their level of employability.  

Our programme is developed by a team of expert teachers and psychologists and it is focused on professional, technical and soft skills required by the labor market.