Links between Leonardo Da Vinci - Mobility & Mutual Assistance
The Leonardo Da Vinci - Mobility can be used to fund mutual assistance mobility abroad of
individuals or groups of 10 and more. Disadvantaged and unemployed participants can go abroad as well and there is separate funding for accompanying people, who could go abroad with them and provide support while on placement.
Another opportunity that Leonardo Da Vinci - Mobility provides is a longer term placement for a young person who has already undertaken short term mutual assistance mobility.
Please note that it is the “Leonardo da
Vinci - Mobility for People in the Labour Market” action that has funded BET
“Living and Learning Abroad” mutual assistance mobility project since 2008.
Leonardo da Vinci actions - Mobility for People in the Labour Market
Objectives and description of the action
The action aims at the support of transnational mobility of workers, selfemployed or people
available for employment (including graduates) as well as unemployed people undergoing a training period abroad in a vocational training context.
The general objectives of this mobility action within Leonardo da Vinci sectoral programme
* To support participants in training and further training activities in the acquisition and the use of knowledge, skills and qualifications to facilitate personal development, employability and
participation in the European Labour Market.
* To enhance the attractiveness of vocational education and training and mobility for individuals and to facilitate the mobility of working trainees and to facilitate the mobility of working trainees.
A transnational mobility for People in the Labour Market consists in a training placement for a period of vocational training and/or work experience undertaken by an individual participant in an enterprise, NGO or a training institution in another participating country. In case the training placement is done in a training institution, the link to the practical experience and to the training
needs of the participant shall be clearly defined.
Individual participants will receive their grants within a mobility project organised by a coordinating organisation. They cannot directly apply for a grant to National Agencies.
Within the project, co-operation will exists between the sending institution and the host organisations, such as training institutions, VET schools, enterprises and NGOs. Their respective roles and involvement in the different steps for implementation of the mobility activities have to be clearly defined, especially in case intermediary organisations are participating. Their quality can be assessed on the basis of past performance and the satisfaction of the beneficiary and participants in previous projects.
The beneficiary of the project grant, generally the coordinating institution, will have to ensure
that the partners of this co-operation, including the intermediaries, meet the principles contained in the Quality Commitment :
* Clear description of objectives, content and duration of the training period abroad
* Clear match between the training needs of the individual beneficiary reflected against his professional background and the content of the placement (traineeship)
* Individual, linguistic and cultural preparation of the individual beneficiaries is ensured
* Pedagogical monitoring of the individual beneficiaries is ensured (tutoring and mentoring in cooperation between sending and host organisation, follow-up of learning agreement)
* Validation of the competences acquired by the individual beneficiary and assessment of the general outcome within the specific vocational training field (use of Europass Mobility on request, use of ECVET, when applicable)
* Logistic support to individual beneficiary (travel, accommodation, host organisation)
* Dissemination activities are foreseen
Participants have the right to receive a Europass Mobility Document after completing their placement. This is a document to record knowledge and skills acquired in another European country.
The grant can contribute towards preparation, organisation of mobility, subsistence, travel;
as well as cover subsistence and travel costs for accompanying persons in case of participants with fewer opportunities.
Additional funding is available for participants with special needs.
Leonardo da Vinci: how to participate
Find information on how to apply to organise or participate in projects funded through the Leonardo
da Vinci Programme for vocational education and training.
Applications are submitted to the National Agency of the sending country (country of the applicant organisation) and can only cover outgoing mobility, i.e. individual participants residing and/or enrolled and/or employed in the country of application moving to another participating country.
An annual call for proposals for projects is made for each of the sub-programmes of the EU’s
Lifelong Learning Programme, including Leonardo da Vinci.
Read more about the 2012 call and find official documents and a guide to programme funding.
Leonardo da Vinci - Mobility for People in the Labour Market action is "decentralised" action, which means that the applications must be submitted to the national agency in each
participating country. This includes mobility of individuals, partnerships and
preparatory visits.
Need more info?
Follow the useful links:
Official documents on the Lifelong Learning Programme - http://ec.europa.eu/education/llp/official-documents-on-the-llp_en.htm
Quality Commitment Training Places – LdV Mobility placements - http://ec.europa.eu/education/leonardo-da-vinci/doc/quality_en.pdf
Europass http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/en/home
Lifelong Learning Programme - National Agencies http://ec.europa.eu/education/lifelong-learning-programme/national_en.htm
Useful information on HOW TO APPLY provided by the UK National Agency http://www.leonardo.org.uk/page.asp?section=0001000100540002§ionTitle=How+to+apply+for+Mobility+Projects
Leonardo da Vinci projects and products databse: Years 2007 - 2013 (ADAM database) - http://www.adam-europe.eu/adam/homepageView.htm
Older version of the database - http://leonardo.ec.europa.eu/pdb/index_en.cfm
N.B.! The links above are external and are subject to change. If you experience any difficulties – try LEONARDO DA VINCI PROGRAMME through any search engine.