New Technologies for Apprenticeships

The project is based on French and English collaboration, with the aims of improving certain skills including cookery and hairdressing, through cross fertilisation of knowledge

In order to achieve this certain  activities have been arranged including:

  • Seminars
  • Summer schools
  • Fashion shows

Exchanges between French and English apprentices in Brighton  

The pastry section of the CAP RELATED IREAM is eager to share its knowledge with their English counterparts  from Brighton and Chichester.

All ready for Brighton

A real adventure for the French apprentices IREAM additional comment pastry. IREAM for the challenge was: submit recipe string Picardy English.

Agathe Congratulations!

 2013 - Dieppe and Rouen

The first edition of the Border Fall NTA university project was successfully held in France from 15 to 17 October 2013. Over forty young people participated including cross-border challenge, the highlight of the meeting, which allowed the British and French who did not know each other, to work together to offer their own recipes using specific ingredients. A challenge especially as some of these young people had no training in the food industry. Congratulations to all the participants for their involvement in the success of the challenge!


The animation "menu border," Tuesday, October 15 CFA Dieppe

Professional practice workshop led by French and English teachers also involving French and English Project beneficiaries i.e apprentices, trainees and validation of professional project to design and implement a cross-border menu served to the project partners.


An enriching experience in terms of expanding knowledge and intercultural awareness for the apprentices Dieppe and English learners!

The "Franco-British Symposium on changing dietary habits," Wednesday, October 16th at the regional center of knowledge in Rouen

A learning exchange for current and future professionals                                 Official receipt of the Anglos-French delegation by the Mayor

"Cross-border challenge," Thursday, October 17 CFA Dieppe

Workshops for professional practice (kitchen, bakery, pastry) gathering French and English partners beneficiary structures (apprentices, trainees and young professional project validation) to prepare a common border buffet with
ingredients imposed.

Youth were evaluated by panels Franco-English, stakeholders, including their ability to work in cross-border team.

An intense day learning, intercultural discovery and emotion!


Autumn university project "NTA" Dieppe and Rouen (15-17 October 2013)

As part of the Autumn University of NTA project, the CFA Dieppe and CMA76 organize
three major events:

A "cross-border" menu animation, Tuesday, Oct. 15 CFA Dieppe

Professional practice workshop led by French and English teachers and involving public French and English Project beneficiaries (apprentices, trainees and validation of professional project) to design and implement a cross-border menu served to the project partners.

A "Franco-British Symposium on changing dietary habits," Wednesday, October
16, 2013 at 15:00 at the regional center of knowledge in Rouen

Address: 115 Boulevard de l`Europe - 76100 Rouen

(Open to professionals in the catering trade, hotels and restaurants, to trainees in these sectors and the general public)

At the meeting meeting was an opportunity to discuss the topic of eating habits with French and English speakers. An opportunity also arose to meet the French and English partners of the European project Interreg IVA "NTA".


The conference was preceded by a visit to the bilingual exhibition "food in all directions," from 13:00 to 14:00 at the Space Science H2O

Address: Quai de Boisguilbert - 76000 Rouen.

A "cross-border challenge," Thursday, October 17 from 13:30 to 16:30 CFA Dieppe

Address:CFA Chamber of Trades and Crafts 76 Industrial Area Zone brown Rouxmesnil Bottles - Track E - 76379 Dieppe Cedex (Open to public)

Creation of three large workshops of professional practice (sweet, salty, service) involving beneficiaries French and English of all partners (apprentices, trainees and young professional project validation) structures to prepare a common border with buffet given topics. Youth will be evaluated including the ability to work in the cross-border team.

Official launch of the "NTA" project in England (June 2013)

Under the official launch of the project in England "NTA" English partners hosted 14 June 2013, at the Fabrica Gallery in Brighton, the French partners, the Mayor of Brighton & Hove and representatives of local institutions related to employment and vocational training.

The Mayor of Brighton & Hove gave a welcome speech which was followed by a comprehensive presentation of the project. The project partners have taken turns to present their structure and the reasons for their commitment.

An interactive demonstration of the e-learning platform and tools under development as part of the project was carried out by the educational consultant.

Local actors training and employment were interested to discover how the project could benefit their students and staff. The Mayor of Brighton has proved enthusiastic about the project, saying:

"There are a multitude of job opportunities in the areas of hospitality, catering, hairdressing. Collaboration with France offers new opportunities and additional motivation for learners and young people who will participate in the project."

event was attended by the local press. Disseminating the project to a wider audiance, to highlight the added value of it, while stressing the importance of cross-border collaboration made possible by the co-financing of the ERDF via the Interreg IVA France (Channel) - England program

First video shoot CFA Dieppe


On 17 May 2013, the CFA Dieppe began her first video shooting for the e-learning platform. This is Luc PETIT, professor of pastry CFA Rouen, who participated in this shoot. The latter took place in the context of swarming. For the occasion, educational consultant, Bernard DECLE, came to provide the necessary technical assistance. For this first recipe, Luc PETIT chose a hazelnut chocolate pudding.

Luc PETIT also provided a quiz and a glossary related to this recipe.

Border training under swarming (February-March 2013)

The French and English partners met during sessions border training for staff involved in the project.

This training took place in the framework of the spin phase of the e-transfer technology to new partner organizations of the project aims to: CMA76, Local Mission Alabaster Coast in Dieppe, Local Mission Maritime Picardy, MEEF Santerre Haute-Somme, Chichester College, Bhagavat Educational Trust, so that partners are at the same level.

Our educational consultant, and our ICT consultant, facilitated the training:

  • One session was conducted for managers February on  28, 2013 in Business Centre in Dieppe
  • One session was conducted for trainers and counselors March 27, 2013 in the premises of the Chamber of Trades and Crafts of the Somme Boves.

 French and English partners were satisfied at the end of the training, to be able to discover more about the project approach, to be able to take ownership of the existing tools and understand the next steps to implement in their intitutions integrate e-learning tools, developing blended learning courses and offer guidance, adapted and innovative tools. Exchanges between English and French partners have been successful and have validated this new project.

Official launch of the "NTA" in France (January 2013)

The official launch of the project "NTA" in France took place January 10, 2013 at the Chamber of Trades and Crafts of the Somme, in the presence of Alain Bethfort, President of the CMA80, elected officials, Cécile Danneels, representative of the Joint Technical Secretariat INTERREG IVA, English and French project partners.